Javascript Senior Engineer.
In love with React, React Native, VueJS, and Testing.


Biblos App

Biblos is a personal project, designed and engineered by me, aimed at making biblical memorization easier through quizzes and flashcards.

This web app was created with Vue 3, Typescript and uses Tailwind extensively.

Some of the design patterns applied were the module pattern, the proxy pattern for connecting to the localHost and some facctories as well.


Toom is one of the leading DIY brands in Germany, with more than 330 stores, 15.500 employees and sales of over 2.7 billion euros.

I was part of the team that lead the complete rewriting of Toom's old jQuery-powered e-commerce to a micro-frontend, independently deployed SSR React application.

I've had a particularly important role not only with implementation, but with architectural decisions, stakeholder collaboration, and leading our test automation strategy.

I was mostly involved with the Product Listing Page, which was the company's POC for new tech and design decisions.

Seamless Timetracker

I created this project out of my frustration of never finding online a Pomodoro timer that's also a time tracker.

It was all designed by me and it is built using React, Redux and Redux-Persist to save your tasks on local storage.

I've created a 2.0 version of it, with Firebase Auth, Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions using Node and Express. I'm really excited to release it, but i'm still working on bug-fixes and new features.


This is my current project, where I work as Lead Developer full-time.
Here I develop a large social media app in React Native & Redux for both, iOS and Android, and a web app for the admin manager, with dashboards for data visualization in React & Redux.
I also develop the Back-end using Node.js + Express and Firebase (Firestore + Auth + Storage), maintaining legacy AWS back-end as well.


This project is the new webapp for one of the biggest news outlet in Brazil. The stack was React, Redux and Graphql. Here I worked as a Senior Engineer, mainly focused on React performance and architecture.


This is the prototype of a project developed for the brand L'Occtiane. After the end of the advertising campaign, when the project was removed, I rewrote the prototype as a Vue app, just to showcase. The stack is HTML5 Canvas api and VueJS.


This is more of an article than a project, but I think it's worth listing. Here I share some useful info about Flat Lists in React Native. I'm in the proccess of making a PR out of this to the React Native Docs.


This project was built for my presentation at the VueJS Meetup in my town. My talk was about the main concepts of Vuex state management.


I worked as a Senior Engineer building this product for a whole year. Technically, it consisted on a feed and three big private and independend managers for different entities to publish on that feed, all built with React & Alt.